Travelling can be fun, but not to make this a competition between the genders – heaven knows we don’t need any more encouragement – but women don’t have it as easy as men. There – it turned into a contest now get over it!
There are some things that men don’t understand because, well, they aren’t female. And, they can be good, they can be bad, and they can be downright ugly. Still, the ladies don’t complain. If anything, they get on with it and enjoy life as seen by the droves of female travellers taking to planes to explore the world.
If you’re one of those women, you might find the following somewhat familiar!
People make women travellers feel as if they’re going to get abducted as soon as they step off the plane. It’s as if they believe every Liam Neeson movie they watch is based on a true story! In reality, the majority of people in foreign lands are good, hardworking men and women who want to enjoy themselves. The same goes for fellow travellers, too. So, staying safe isn’t as tough as the guide books and tabloid stories say. Go out in groups, avoid dark, unlit alleys, and get an Uber if all else fails. It’s pretty much the same as staying safe at home.
Now, this isn’t a damning indictment of women travellers and their inability to let go. Far from it. The prospect of saying no applies to one question and one question only: “aren’t you scared?” See, people think it’s dangerous or strange for women to travel and to do it alone and they get dragged into the same trap every time. So, replying with a firm “no” shows them that females are as capable of doing it by themselves as men. And, there is a little tingle of pride and excitement that makes it almost intoxicating.
The words referring to women that enjoy sex are numerous and it can take its toll on female travellers. Like they would at home, they second guess themselves before going to bed with somebody because they’re scared of the rumours the morning after. The great thing about travelling though is that everyone is on the same page. As long as there is contraception and a free bunk bed, nobody cares (apart from the other people in the room. Apologies!). Sex is a normal part of travelling and badass women know not to let archaic stereotypes get in the way of a good time.
Female travellers know it to be true because they are role models themselves. What happens is simple – other women see their journey and think, “I want to do that, too.” Not only that, but they realise it’s pretty easy because there are badass women out there doing it all the time in every corner of the globe. The small things, like wearing makeup and making friends, seem insignificant when there’s a fresh-faced female on Insta surrounded by her support group.
Did you hear that ladies? We’re role models and proud!