Life has really changed for me over the past few years. One of the biggest changes is becoming a mum in the summer of 2022. I’ve got to admit that underestimated how difficult it would be. I never thought I’d ever need to understand the concept of sleep training – especially the Ferber method.
Even though, so many people told me my life would change complete. One main aspect of my life that has changed is sleep, namely the lack of sleep. I’ve delved into sleep training methods, searching the internet for so many solutions as to how to get more sleep.
The Ferber method, or controlled crying, is quite controversial. I’m not going to say that this method works for everyone but it is the method that worked for us. Admittedly, it was difficult!
There are a number of different articles online as to different sleep training methods . These are recommended with lots of different opinions on different methods online. Whilst we engaged in the services of a sleep consultant, in hindsight, it isn’t necessarily something that I would have engaged. I say this purely because the method that we used was relatively straightforward. We didn’t really require any one-to-one time in terms of finding a sleep solution.
I chose to sleep train Theodore with the Ferber method, because this method had proven results to be the quickest method. It also gave Theodore a chance to self soothe. This meant that he was able to learn to fall asleep on his own, rather than me intervening all the time.
The Ferber method involves leaving your child for a set period of time, and returning to comfort them at intervals. So many people mistake this method with the cry it out method, which isn’t a method that I would use personally. The Ferber method, although quite similar to cry it out, is known as the more gentle approach.
We didn’t start sleep training Theodore until he was around eight months old. This was because we had a few problems with weaning. It’s recommended that babies are asleep trained once they have started weaning to allow them to have a full of stomach.
The Ferber Method was admittedly incredibly difficult in the first few days. Sometimes it would take over an hour for him to settle. Then suddenly when we got to about day four, it was taking minutes to settle. He was sleeping through the night. I just want to point out that there are obviously going to be sleep regressions, and other factors, such as illness that affects sleep. However, this type of method, I found provided us with a really good basis.
Theodore is now 20 months old now, has a set routine and sleeps fully through the night 7.30pm-6am.
Is The Ferber method something that you would consider?