It’s been a really long time since I actually blogged. I remember when I first started my blog, it had so many ideas as to what I wanted to blog about, and then, unfortunately life took a bit of a turn, and there was so many life events that had happened whereby I had neglected everything.
I pretty much changed my job, moved home, cut out so many people from my circle. It’s suprising how many people you can cut out when you re-evaluate your life. I basically just started again. Fast forward, 4 to 5 years, and here I am. Back blogging, remarried, moved out of London, and I now have a beautiful 20 month old boy.
I guess this post is more just to restart the fire, so they say. Reignite my love for blogging and start to settle back into life now that things are slightly more settled. This blog has always been a place whereby I wanted to share my thoughts openly. My own little space. and I want to recreate just that.
Have you ever had it where your life takes a turn and it completely throws you? to the actual extent where I just needed to hit the reset button. This is me hitting the reset button with my blog, and I’m really excited to share everything that I’ve learnt along the way with you all.