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Getting Corrective Treatment for your Teeth *

How you feel about the way your teeth look can really affect your confidence. A lot of people worry about crooked smile and hide their mouths from others when they talk or smile as they aren’t happy with how they look. People can have gappy or crooked teeth for many reasons and if this is something you are struggling with, there are things you can do to change this.

If you have looked into getting corrective treatment, there are some things to consider to make sure you pick the correct orthodontist and treatment for you to be able to get the results you want once the treatment plan is finished.


Make sure to look around and choose the best quality orthodontic dental specialist for you. Whether this is from recommendations from other professionals, family or friends or proven testimonials from previous customers. You want to make sure you are happy that you have chosen a specialist that not only you feel comfortable and confident with but can also help you correct your teeth problems efficiently.

Take your time and do your research. This will pay off in the long run.


There are many ways to get your teeth straightened without the use of fixed braces. Don’t be forced into a treatment plan you don’t feel comfortable with or you feel may not benefit you in the long run. Different treatments take different amounts of time and you want to be confident that when that treatment is finished, you will be getting the desired results.

You can choose fixed braces or opt for braces that fit the back of the teeth or tongue side. Or you can discuss the use of aligners to see the results you are looking for. A clear mouthguard that is removable will straighten teeth gradually too. Make sure you know what options are available for you so you can make a better-informed decision on the best way to progress with straightening your teeth.


Teeth and gums are complex structures and should always be treated as such. There are many different things that can happen to your teeth during the process of correcting crooked teeth and closing gaps. Having all the information to hand on any potential risks including relapses – where teeth regain their previous structure undoing all the corrective work, so you know what to look out for during the treatment schedule.

As with any major procedures to the body, you may also experience side effects such as soreness in gums and the roof of the mouth, teeth appearing to be more ‘stuck out’ than previously or even reduced biting efficiency. Teeth can take at least a year for the jawbone and gums to settle and if the correct treatment hasn’t been undertaken initially there may be a greater risk of problems during and after the process of straightening your teeth.

If you are considering corrective treatment, it pays to know what to expect before you decide on your treatment plan so you can choose the best course of action based on a fully informed decision.

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