I was recently introduced to the Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food masks.
Over the past few years I’ve tried out so many new products to try and improve the quality of my hair. From hair masks, to different oils and conditioning treatments. I’ve noticed that as life has taken a toll, and my path has changed, it has not only had an effect on me personally but also physically. I’ve found that my hair is getting thinner and drier, irrespective of whether I’ve tried out new products or not. I think it was more the toll of the past year that has really had an effect on me. Now that I’m slowly re-building and putting things back together, it’s really time to focus on me, and my life.

I’ve also spent many years changing the way my hair looks, from bleaching to dying it. I spent so long changing my look every so often that I had just damaged my hair, forever scared and worried of trimming my hair just in case a hairdresser hacked at it. I’ve actually now finally found a salon that I swear by in Hampstead, and they’ve been looking after my tresses for a good few years now.
Like many others, I also trawl the likes of Boots and Superdrugs on a regular basis searching for new products that have been released, wanting to get back my natural hair which was once shiny and full of life. On doing so I found the Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food masks within Boots , which instantly caught my eye due to the ingredients within the mask. You can’t go wrong with a mix of Banana and Shea or Coconut and Aloe.

I had to somehow restrict myself to buying just two scents within the range, though I believe they were on offer at the time, hence buying the two. Whilst I ummed and ahhed about which two scents to buy, I was obviously instantly drawn to the banana scent, which was the first one I picked up.
Each of the masks are 3 in 1 masks, which means you can either use it as a conditioning treatment, hair mask or a leave in product, making the use versatile between wet and dry hair. Whenever I feel like my hair needs a deep conditioning treatment, this is now my go-to. I use the mask once a fortnight as a deep conditioning mask, and mainly once a week on my dry hair. I rarely use this product as just a conditioner, however, as I’d prefer to have the effects of a deep condition.

On using the hair mask, over a three month usage time I fund that my hair was much stronger than it once was. My struggle previously was that I had a lot of breakages, and every time I brushed my hair it would become more and more noticeable. My hair was also a lot shinier, and it actually looked like it had some sort of conditioning treatment in it. I only ever had results like this when I had gone for a deep conditioning treatment at the hairdressers at almost £40 a pop; it’s certainly a welcome when the masks themselves are a fraction of the cost – even better when they are on offer.
You get a huge 390ml tub for about £4, making it really good value for money – as with all conditioning treatments, a little does go a long way, and you only use what you need to. With conditioning treatments I always use these on the ends of my hair rather than directly on my scalp, as this is the area that needs refreshing. It goes without mentioning, though I will do so as it’s a must, the smell is beyond amazing. And it lasts! It isn’t one of those treatments that doesn’t leave a scent to your hair. Choose your scent wisely with this one, as you’ll be wanting to sniff your hair often.
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