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Change is Coming*

When you finally admit that it’s time for a change and the life you’re in right now isn’t matching up to your expectations, it almost feels like a relief.

But once that confession is out there, that’s where the hard work begins. What are you going to do now to shake up the old and usher in the new?

Will that stale relationship finally come to an end? Will you quit that job with the irritating boss? Or will you throw caution to the wind and take off for the adventure of a lifetime?

When it’s time to make a change, you need to gather your courage up in both hands and go for it. Take that step of faith, believe in yourself and what you’re capable of.

In this guide we’re taking a look at two ways to step out of the humdrum and into a brighter future with you in charge.


If you have itchy feet, just do it. Alright, it may not be as simple as packing up your desk, throwing your clothes and passport into a suitcase and taking off but you can try.

In all likelihood, you’ll probably need to start with a little planning particularly when it comes to financing your trip. Start saving up the overtime and getting your dream trip organised behind the scenes.

If saving up is an unrealistic prospect then you might consider getting a loan, so compare guarantor loans and see how much you can realistically borrow. Remember you will need to pay this back so strike a balance between how much you borrow and how much you can afford to pay back each month.

You might also need to consider your property. If you rent, is there an option to sub-rent while you’re away? Owners might also want to rent out the property and finding an agency to take care of it is often the easiest option and one that will provide you with a fixed monthly income.

Then all that’s left to do it is go for it. Hop on that plane and put your 9 to 5 behind you, ready to explore the world, meet new people and experience life in as many continents as  you care to visit.


If your feet are firmly planted on the ground, then perhaps the better option for you right now is to think about your career. Are you happy in the job you’re in? Does it offer you the progress and the responsibility you need to be truly satisfied? If the answer is a resounding no then it might be time to make some changes.

If your boss can’t or won’t help you with some career options then take matters into your own hands. It’s time to brush off that resume and get it bang up to date. If you’re looking for some templates to help that happen, you’ll find plenty online.

Getting back into the job market can seem a scary process and yes, there is always the chance that you’ll get rejections before you finally do land that new job. But persevere and set your sights high. Don’t undersell your talents and experience and talk to a recruiter if you need some more help.

If a total career change is on the cards then get hold of a prospectus from your nearest higher education college and take a look at how to access some of the courses that you might be interested in. If you are retraining from scratch you won’t necessarily have to study full time but will be able to fit it in around your current job, studying evening and weekends. You could also look into online courses that, though longer to complete, are even more accessible to working students.

Find out if the course you’re looking at makes you eligible to apply for a grant or bursary or if you might be able to take up a working placement while you study.

Whatever the change is that you need to make, start the work today. Change can be difficult and scary, it can also be exactly the kick start you need to begin a whole new chapter of your life. Take the time to travel, no one ever regrets it. See the world through a fresh pair of eyes and grow as a person as you face some challenges along the way.

Take on a new job or retrain and step into the role you now you were meant to be in.

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