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Dealing with Premature Baldness

If one of the things that has been making you lose sleep at night is premature baldness, you’re not alone. You should know that while it’s common to lose up to 100 hair strands a day, losing more than that indicates that there is an underlying health condition. Going bald is part of the natural process of aging, but premature balding is not normal and requires attention from a medical professional. Understanding the symptoms that causes and the treatments for premature balding out there is going to help you to feel much more reassured. You may not be able to regrow a head’s worth of hair overnight, but you can look at scalp micropigmentation photos to determine whether there are other avenues to bring you back your confidence. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about premature baldness and how to deal with it.

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Open Your Own Medical Practice

Deciding to open your medical practice is a huge decision. It’s not something to be taken lightly. There are a lot of factors to consider before taking the plunge. This blog post will explore some of the things you need to think about before opening your own medical practice.

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What Happens When You Stop Taking Care Of Your Teeth?

Taking care of our teeth is something that’s drummed into us from an early age. (In fact, it’s just about the only good habit that parents and authority figures insist on).  And that’s mainly because of the devastation that people’s teeth caused in the past. You could actually die from a rotting tooth, something that today seems unthinkable.  With that said, there are still people who fail to look after their teeth and then wind up experiencing all the negative side effects. This post is a timeline of some of the effects that you can expect to see if you stop brushing your teeth and start eating sugary foods ad libitum.

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The Truth About ‘No Pain, No Gain’*

‘No pain, no gain’ is a popular exercise motto. The belief is that you should exercise until you feel pain – only then will your muscles achieve the physical benefit of it. In other words, if you want defined abs or a bubble butt, you need to work out that body part until it’s painful. Just how true is this motto? Is pain really necessary? It can be, but in other cases it can be harmful. This is why it’s important to know the difference between good pain and bad pain.

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Keeping Healthy For Life*

Keeping healthy is as much about what is in your mind as it is about your body. It should be noted that before you take up any new regime, you speak to your doctor. Although in most cases you will be encouraged to carry on and enjoy the new changes to your life, it is always better to check.  Here are some great tips to get you started on making a big difference in your life:

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